Our commitment

Mjaysbricks.de® is actively involved in animal, climate and nature conservation with the help of various organizations.

Glück im Schafskleidung eV

The animal sanctuary Glück im Schafspelz eV in Stedesdorf, East Frisia, actively cares for animal welfare with a lot of sacrifice and passion by helping animals in need, such as ponies, donkeys, cats and many other animal species, from precarious situations and giving them a safe and loving home.

website of Glück im Schafspelz eV

environmental protection & climate protection projects

We do not use plastic bags or packaging. With our paper packaging, Mjaysbricks.de® actively supports climate protection projects around the world, such as solar energy generation in Namibia.

You can also find all of the projects we currently support by scanning the QR code on the paper envelope.

The supported projects

Protecting nature with NABU

We are a member of NABU, Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union Germany eV

NABU is the oldest and, with more than 940,000 members and supporters – as of January 2024 – the largest environmental association in Germany

To the NABU website